Plastics Engineering Company,
a family owned and managed business founded in
1934, established as its corporate mission a sincere
desire to respond efficiently to the needs of
our customers through development, manufacture,
and servicing of useful, high-value products.
Our mission is accomplished by an uncompromising
adherence to customer requirements and safety
in manufacturing, with consideration given to
our environment and surrounding community, and
with sensitivity to the needs of our employees.
We are particularly proud
of our long-established reputation as a world
leader in the development and refinement of thermosetting
resins and molding compounds; a reputation emanating
from the success of our company founders in creating
a corporate culture dedicated to the principles of
continuous improvement. Such dedication created
a product development and service organization
that is able to rapidly respond to the ever-changing
technical requirements of our customers. It also
created a well-engineered, equipped, and maintained
manufacturing facility capable of sustaining a
high level of productive efficiency while allowing
extremely flexible production scheduling. The
spirit of continuous improvement has allowed our
company to attain ISO 9001 certified status. Consequently,
Plastics Engineering Company consistently demonstrates
its ability to deliver on time a wide range of
reliable, quality products requiring a minimal
amount of customer order lead time.
Our mission regards people
as Plastics Engineering Company's most-valued
resource. Proper sensitivity to the needs of our
employees and their families has resulted in low
turnover, creating a work force that has achieved
a high level of manufacturing experience and technical
knowledge. We have established an employee operational
relationship based on effective employee involvement
concepts. By promoting self-expression and by
recognizing the value of individual contributions,
we enable our people to keep us on the leading
edge of our industry.
Michael R. Brotz